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Financial Residency

May 31, 2023

For today's edition of the Finance For Physicians podcast, we're bringing Dr. Jimmy Turner.

Jimmy is the host of the Physician Philosopher podcast and Money Meets Medicine podcast. He's also the author of Determined: How Burned Out Doctors Can Thrive in a Broken Medical System.

Jimmy made it early into his career. He...

May 30, 2023

Today, we're talking about negotiations and timing. How long does this whole thing take when you get your physician contract and you start the negotiation process? Join us today to learn more!



May 29, 2023

Dr. Jen Barna is a radiologist and creator of

She brought together an entire community to support physicians in achieving their financial goals while finding the proper balance between work and life based on each individual's goals. 

Most recently, DocWorking introduced a Confidential Care Line...

May 27, 2023

Today I want to go over the big considerations to think about as you transition into practice.


Schedule a No-cost Triage Meeting With WFP
All-In Home Costs Calculator (downloadable spreadsheet template)

May 26, 2023

Today Jon talk about malpractice insurance and how to know that you're fully protected.


Have you ever considered a different way of practicing medicine, whether you are burned out, need a change at pace, or are looking to supplement your income? Locums is the perfect place to...