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Financial Residency

Nov 30, 2022

Are you on track for retirement? Where are you at, what’s most important, and where do you want to go? Are you saving enough income at this point in time to become financially independent? 

In this episode of the Finance for Physicians Podcast, Daniel Wrenne talks about how to know if you are saving enough money...

Nov 29, 2022

Did you ever wonder why the mortgage interest rate you were given doesn't always match up to the annual percentage rate (APR)? Doug explains the difference between the two on this week's episode of the Mortgage Minute.

Link to website: 

Nov 28, 2022

Ever contemplated entering into a business contract with a private equity firm or starting a side gig? Dr. Tammy talked to Michael Schaff who is a healthcare and corporate attorney with Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer to learn more about the legal side of the equation. You can find more about Michael and his firm at 

Nov 25, 2022

Today I am talking about, what is the best investment for you!
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Finance For Physicians Podcast:  

Nov 24, 2022

Today we are doing a Q&A by answering questions from our Facebook group. I have on Hugh Baker to help answer some questions.
