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Financial Residency

Mar 25, 2019

Imagine being free from the stress and worry of consumer debt. Now imagine all the money spent in making credit card payments is going toward building your wealth. 

Marcus Garrett talks to us about eradicating your consumer debt, so you can begin to build wealth and plan the life you truly want to live.

Take control of...

Mar 18, 2019

Working with the snowball notion of concentrating on paying off smallest debts first, then applying the same principle to other debt, the concept is incredibly important to unshackle the debt cuffs.

Dr. Cory Fawcett enjoys guiding healthcare professionals toward living healthy and debt-free lives by teaching them...

Mar 11, 2019

What the heck is an investment club? Plainly, it’s a group or a club who learns about stock investing together and invests in the same fashion.

Not really a fan of them myself, I bring Dr. John Jurica to go back and forth with me about how physicians can learn, make some money and have some fun (?) with them.


Mar 4, 2019

Imagine having an opportunity to invest in gold and silver. Now imagine not really knowing the purpose or motivation behind the investment.

Peter Hug talks to us about the psychology and perceived reasoning for building a successful portfolio. Interested in making the investment? Learn more about it here.

Make sure to...