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Financial Residency

Apr 29, 2023

Today I talk about using AI to review a contract.


Apr 28, 2023

Today's episode is a tough one. We will tackle two of the most important topics in a person's life: Money and parenting.

In this episode of "Finance for Physicians", Daniel Wrenne interviews Dr. Adam Broussard and Dr. David Weisenhorn, to dive deeper into the family and money matters that physicians often deal with.


Apr 27, 2023

Entrepreneurship is a liberating concept.

Outside of the promises of wealth and prestige, being an entrepreneur or cultivating the QUALITIES of an entrepreneur is a blueprint on how to solve problems better and solve better problems.

Our guest today is the perfect example of that.

Ernesto Gutierrez, MD is a practicing...

Apr 26, 2023

Today Jon talks about a contract he recently helped a physician with, on renegotiating her terms.


Apr 25, 2023

Doug talks about putting down earnest money. Can you get that money back at closing? Can you apply it to fees associated with your loan, such as paying for taxes, insurance or an appraisal? What if I have gift money from family or a credit from the seller?

Be sure to listen to today's episode to find out! For a...