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Financial Residency

Apr 29, 2022

Physicians and their patients know that vitals are measurements of the body’s most important basic functions. Checking and tracking vitals indicate how your health is now and maybe in the future. Vitals are a progress check to prevent potential problems.

In this episode of the Finance for Physicians Podcast,...

Apr 25, 2022

Dr. Kathryn Sarnoski is an OBGYN and the Director of Physician Education for Contract Diagnostics. Reviewing your physician contract is one of the most important tasks of your medical career. What do you do when it’s all on the line for you with one?

Dr. Tammy and Dr. Sarnoski discuss what you should know when...

Apr 25, 2022

It’s been a while since you’ve heard Ryan’s voice on the show. While he’s no longer running the podcast, he introduces its new host… or should we say, “hosts”… in this new reboot.

Please come get acquainted with Dr. Tammy Crouse, Doug Crouse, and Daniel Wrenne as they all gear up to share some of the...